
1. Richard G. Scott- "Healing the Tragic Scars of Abuse"- May 1992

2. Richard G. Scott- "To Be Free of Heavy Burdens"- Nov 2002

3. Richard G. Scott- "To heal the Shattering Consequences of Abuse"- May 2008



1. Jeffrey R. Holland- "Cast Not Away Therefore Your Confidence"- Mar 2000

2. Neal A. Maxwell- "Endure It Well"- May 1990

3. Dallin H. Oaks- "He Heals the Heavy Laden"- Nov 2006

4. Jeffrey R. Holland- "Broken Things to Mend"- Apr 2006

Coping Skills

1. 5 Categories of Coping


1. Ezra Taft Bensen- "Do Not Despair"- Nov 1975

2. Boyd K. Packer- "Solving Emotional Problems in the Lord's Own Way"- May 1978

3. Richard G. Scott- "To Be Free of Heavy Burdens"- Nov 2002

4. Chieko N. Okazaki- "Rowing Your Boat"- Nov 1994

5. Richard G. Scott- "Finding Joy in Life"- May 1996

6. Jeffrey R. Holland- "Like a Broken Vessel"- Oct 2013



1. Gordon B. Hinckley- "Family: A Proclamation to the World"

2. Thomas S. Monson- 2010 Bishop's Handbook, "The Home and the Church"

3. Boyd K. Packer- "The Father and the Family"- May 1994

4. L. Tom Perry- "Why Marriage and Family Matter--Everywhere in the World"- April 2015



1. David A. Bednar- "Therefore They Hushed Their Fears"- April 2015



1. L. Whitney Clayton- "Choose to Believe"- April 2015



1. Gordon B. Hinckley- "Family: A Proclamation to the World"

2. Jeffrey R. Holland- "Of Souls, Symbols, and Sacraments"- Jan 12, 1998 Marriot Center

3. Joe J. Christensen- "Marriage and the Great Plan of Happiness"- May 1995

4. D. Todd Christofferson- "Why Marriage, Why Family"- April 2015


1. “Adjusting to Missionary Life” Tools


1. Parenting Strategies for Success

2. Parenting Fireside by Michael Martino, LPC

3. LDS Parenting


1. Brad Wilcox- "His Grace is Sufficient"- July 2011

2. Gerrit W. Gong- "Becoming Perfect in Christ"- July 2014

3. Cecil O. Samuelson- "What does It Mean to Be Perfect?"- March 2002

4. Russell M. Nelson- "Perfection Pending"- October 1995

5. Cecil O. Samuelson- "Be Ye Therefore Perfect"- September 2011



1. Thomas S. Monson- "Pornography, the Deadly Carrier"- July 2001

2. David B. Haight- "Personal Morality"- Nov 1984

3. Dallin H. Oaks-"Pornography"- April 2005

4. Gordon B. Hinckley- "A Tragic Evil Among Us"- Oct 2004

5. Gordon B. Hinckley- "Overpowering the Goliaths in Our Lives" - April 1983

6. James E. Faust- "The Power of Self-Mastery" - April 2000

7. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints- "Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts" 

8. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints- "Addiction Recovery Program"

9. Candeo Behavior Change

10. Covenant Eyes: Internet Accountability and Filtering

11. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints- "Overcoming Pornography Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ"

Spouses of Addiction

1. Michael A. Gardner- "Hope, Healing, and Dealing with Addiction"- July 2008

2. "Pierced with Deep Wounds"- June 2010


Peer Pressure

1. Lynn G. Robbins- "Which Way Do You Face?"- October 2014



1. Ezra T. Benson- "Beware of Pride"- May 1989

2. Dieter F. Uchtdorf- "Pride and the Priesthood"- Oct 2010



1. Richard G. Scott- "First Things First"- May 2001

2. Dallin H. Oaks- "Good Better Best"- Nov 2007

3. Dieter F. Uchtdorf- "Of Things that Matter Most"- Oct 2010

4. M. Russell Ballard- "Keeping Life's Demands in Balance"- May 1987

5. William R. Bradford- "Unclutter Your Life"- May 1992



1. C. Kay Allen- "Where Self-Esteem Starts"- Feb 1979

2. Elder Glen L. Pace- "Confidence and Self-Worth"- Jan 2005

3. James E. Faust- "The Value of Self-Esteem"- May 2007

4. Dieter F. Uchtdorf- "You Matter to Him"- Oct 2011


Same-sex Attraction

1. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints- "God Loveth His Children"- 2007lds.org

2. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints- "Same-Sex Attraction"lds.org

3. Jeffrey R. Holland- "Helping Those Who Struggle With Same-Gender Attraction"- Oct 2007

4. Dallin H. Oaks- "Same-Gender Attraction"- Oct 1995

5. mormonsandgays.org